Thursday, 27 February 2014

February, Thursday 27th

Hi there!

Today we resumed unit 3 just where we left it before the exam. We worked  on Writing: a review, where we did all of the activities on pages 48-49. Remember ! Thursday next week is your headline to hand in your review on a book / film (read the Planning what to write and the Writing sections for more info)
We also did past & present participles on page 48, here´s the extra PARTICIPLES activity for next Tuesday´s class. Besides, we did a bit of weak/strong adjectives on the same page, please find more info in this STRONG / WEAK ADJECTIVES REMINDER ...

And then we just had time for one video activity on Microfinance -page 50- (the interview with Sarita Gupta). That was all!

Please, do exercise 1b on page 52 in your textbooks for Tuesday. We´re starting unit 4 already!
Have a nice weekend and see you then!


Wednesday, 26 February 2014

WELCOME BACK! February, 25th

Hi guys!

Back we are from our February tests, which we checked in class last night. Please, keep in mind they are just indicators of your progress, and also that I feel sorry for those who did not pass some part(s). Fortunately, there´s still lots of time ahead and we can get things better.  Definitely!
Here are some of the most recurrent mistakes (please, see how they can be fixed!)
Then, Toby came in the class and he asked you about the exam: its parts, marks, what you found more difficult, the easiest, etc. He also gave you this DICTATION, which proved not to be a harsh one :-)

On Thursday (tomorrow!) we´ll go back briefly to the exams and then we´ll have to move with our lessons, guys!

See you then!


Thursday, 6 February 2014

February, Thursday 6th

Hi there!

We finished our first term!
We did grammar exercises a and b on page 144 (unreal uses of the past tenses). We then moved on to two listening activities: 6b and 6c on page 47 and we brought the class to an end with world famous Money makes the world go round ( click HERE to see the lyrics ). 
And that was all folks!!
See you ALL on Friday next week at 16 sharp in room 15 
(upstairs on the second floor). Please, don´t forget to bring your IDs 
in case you need them. 

Please , do your revise & check of unit 3 (page 51) - answer key HERE-. 
Likewise, answer keys for the other two units are available HERE (UNIT 2) and UNIT 1

See you on Friday next week!


Tuesday, 4 February 2014

February, Tuesday 3rd

Hi there!

One more week and the exams will be here!
Tonight we first corrected vocabulary exercises on page 162 ( adjectives and idioms) and then returned to page 45, where we did exercise 2c.
Then, we moved on to page 46 where we listened to the reading of the article I wish I had married for money, not love ( a genuine example of affluenza ) and did exercise 5a on the next page: it was about unreal uses of past tenses (see THE PPP ON THE TOPIC ) and then, there we stopped! There was time for no more!
Toby´s time was devoted to make your reflect on value: on the very word and what it  represents for each of you all. Great (and light-hearted) debate, guys!!

More on Thursday, see you guys! Remember to have your questions /doubts ready for that day!


Sunday, 2 February 2014

January, Friday 31st

Hi there!

Sorry I´m soo late with this entry! ;-)

On Friday we just began unit 3C. Are you suffering from Afflluenza? on page 44, and we did reading and speaking activities on that page and the next .If this strange name (affluenza) is still unfamiliar to you, then you might want to watch the video ! We got as far as exercise 2b -vocabulary: Money-, which is actually on page 162. We just had time to do the first two exercises on that page, so please do the other two for our next Tuesday´s class.
There we stopped!

Please don´t forget to do photocopies 14 and 15!
See you in two days!
