Now that´s what I call extreme commuting! |
Today we first checked exercise b on page 150 but before, as we usually do, we tested our knowledge on gerunds & infinitives with an interactive activity. Then, we skipped some pages and worked on pages 80-81 in order to learn what to show in a report . Please, don´t forget to write your report for Thursday next week the latest. We continued with Travel & tourism on page 165, and briefly saw some more vocabulary (AMERICAN & BRITISH VOCABULARY ).Then, we continued skipping pages and "landed" on page 85, where we did the questionnaire in 2c. Then, we moved on and did exercise b (page 86) and read "Extreme commuting - would you do it?" That was all then, folks!
Please, remember to do exercise 1c on page 84 in your textbooks (read my 25,000 wonders of the world ) and the revise & check section on page 83 (also in your books).Check your answersHERE
Enjoy your weekend, guys!