Saturday 26 October 2013

Friday, October 25th

Hi guys!

Yesterday we first commented on Supertramp´s song and its message. Then, we moved on to speaking and listening (page 10) where we met King Charles IV´s family. We did exercises 4a and 4c and right after that we worked on vocabulary: family. We did exercises 5a, 5b and 5c ( 5b implied exercises on page 158) and then we had time for no more!
For Tuesday next week, please do the following in your workbooks: exercises 1 and 3a (page 6), 3b and 3c on the next page. Don´t forget to also prepare exercise 6a (in your textbooks, page 11): just choose a topic you agree or disagree with and write down your reasons. This will be next Tuesday´s first speaking exercise!

Enjoy your weekend! See you on Tuesday!